By the Pen is a newsletter organized by the student body of Qalam Seminary.
By the Pen
By the Pen is a newsletter organized by the student body of Qalam Seminary. This project came about with the goal of providing a platform for students to develop their penmanship. The current intended readership is the student body at Qalam and alumni which offers the further benefit of sharing research to be discussed, analyzed and critiqued by fellow students. For now, all entries will be kept internal so that students can write comfortably without fearing the misinterpretation or spreading of their work to other audiences.
The newsletter is released bi-annually covering thematic topics. Contributions will range from reflective pieces to medium-length research along with some beneficial entries in the form of teachers’ advice, book recommendations, translations and more. Our hope is that this newsletter will grow into a published journal for a wider readership in the near future, in-shāʾ-Allāh.